Commercial Real Estate Update

  • 02/23/2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


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Commercial Real Estate Update

February 23rd

   1:00 PM EST | 12:00 PM CST| 11:00 AM MST | 10:00 AM PST

Members - FREE | Non-Members - $25

Fortune favors the nimble, creative, and prepared. There are more factors to consider than COVID, racial justice protests, political upheaval, and the economic impacts of the afore mentioned. Commercial Real Estate changes and evolution equal transactions. BE PREPARED for the Transaction Wave (s) on their way.

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John Fischer
Fischer's Real Estate Brokerage & Betterment Haus

John started his first business in high school which designed/produced a line of themed T-Shirts and sold out of an upscale regional enclosed mall, now owned by Brookfield Properties. He's since been a repeat entrepreneurial offender. Today he assists clients with Retail/ Restaurant/ Hotel/ Entertainment, Office/ Medical, Industrial/ Logistics properties. John also jumps the fence a lot between working directly in the public & private sectors. Among his honors is the annually conferred "Award for Economic Development Excellence" from IEDC (International Economic Development Council).  As a result, today his brokerage & consulting clients live in both sectors and include economic development agencies, users, developers, sellers, lessors, and all the usual suspects including his client's other professionals that include attorneys, engineers, planners, financial institutions, and on and on.  He was the first "former government guy" to be an ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers) State Director (in his case for Kentucky). John brokers (verbed) commercial real estate and is a consultant in the areas of economic development, government incentives & approvals, and private real estate development. 

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