Critical Agent Safety Updates & What You Should Never Do

  • 05/16/2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Online | GoToWebinar


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Critical Agent Safety Updates &

What You Should Never Do

May 16th

  12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT

Members - FREE  | Non-Members - $25

ARE YOU EVER REALLY SAFE? Former Veteran Los Angeles Narcotics officer and 25 year top REO agent teaches about critical safety tips, and what you should NEVER do. And, preview the FOREWARNED app to help you stay SAFE and quicky learn the background of anyone in the business you’re thinking of working with or meeting inside their homes.

Presented by:

Rafael Dagnesses

Owner, Quantum Real Estate Group-QuantumREO. Member of USREO Partners, NADP, NAHREP, NRBA

Rafael Dagnesses has over 25 years of real estate/REO experience and brokered thousands of REO's.  He is a thirteen year law enforcement veteran with 8 of those in the Los Angeles Police Department. Since 2003 he has owned and managed Quantum Real Estate Group-QuantumREO, was ranked #2 RE Broker in the U.S by NAHREP, has served on the HSBC Bank Advisory Board for 2 terms, and was a nominee for the U.S House of Representatives. Outside of real estate, Rafael has served as a U.S Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, was a DRE Certified (Drug Recognition Expert), and a Technical Advisor on "The Shield" TV series.

Moderated by:

Wendy Martin

Real Estate Agent and Broker, EXP Realty

Wendy has 20 years experience in property disposition covering all of Oregon & Washington states. Certified Foreclosure Specialist, NABPOP certified BPO agent, Federation of Certified REO Experts, Certified Short Sale Specialist. My team and I provide a full suite of best-in-class REO services and GUARANTEE tasks are on time, every time. Fully versed and proficient in all aspects of REO property Disposition and management.

Rick Wilson

Real Estate Agent, EXP Realty

Rick is an 18 year veteran in REO, Short & Traditional Sales, and has a background in finance. He is currently apart of EXP's REO/Relo leadership team, and acts as an REO trainer. Rick is based in the San Francisco Bay area. 

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